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Asana's List || Indian Fitness Club

Introduction :-

In Yogshastron describes the number of yoga, saying that the number of yoga in the world is equal to the number of organisms present. The rugs are created by Lord Shiva is approximately 84 million. But these rugs are all aware the only significant 84 seats. Hatha Yoga asanas are mentioned only 84, which is the main seat and the other is Sammahit under these 84 rugs.

So total 84 asana are presenting by Indian Fitness Club which are as follows : 

  1. Jyestikasana
  2. Surya Namaskar asana (Sun salutation postures)
  3. Siddhasana
  4. Sukhasana
  5. Padmasana
  6. Shirshasan
  7. Padahastasana
  8. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Posture)
  9. Halasana
  10. Vakasan (Crane pose)
  11. Vajrasana (Diamond posture)
  12. Supta Vajrasana (Reclining hero posture)
  13. Paschimottan asana 
  14. Dhanurasana (Archer posture)
  15. Parvatasana (Seated Mountain Posture)
  16. Vrikshsana (Tree posture)
  17. Taldasana (Mountain Pose)
  18. Sethu bandhasana 
  19. Savasana
  20. Bhujangasana (Cobra Posture)
  21. Sarwangasana
  22. Ardha sarwangasana 
  23. Virbhadrasana 
  24. Karna Pidasana (Ear Pressure posture)
  25. Parivritta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Posture)
  26. Trikonasana (Triangle Posture)
  27. Padangusthasana (Big Toe To Hand Poture)
  28. Navasana (Boat Posture)
  29. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Posture)
  30. Uttanpadasana (Leg Raise Pose / Raised feet posture)
  31. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Posture)
  32. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog posture)
  33. Ustrasana (Camel Posture)
  34. Matsyasana (Fish Posture)
  35. Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Posture)
  36. Balasana
  37. Chakrasana
  38. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  39. Matsyendrasana
  40. Uttanasana (Stand forward bend posture)
  41. Sasangasana (Rabbit posture)
  42. Adhomukha Savasana
  43. PadHastaasana ( Hand to Foot Posture)
  44. Janu Shirsasana
  45. Mayoora aasan 
  46. Padugantasan
  47. Sarvanasan
  48. Shalabhasana
  49. Katichakrasana
  50. Dhunurasana
  51. Veerasana
  52. Deerghnokasan
  53. Kati Utaaanasan
  54. Bhaddh Padmasan
  55. Tadagasana
  56. Uttanpad Chakrasana
  57. Akarna Dhanurasana
  58. Udarsanchalan
  59. Paschimottasana
  60. Ushtrasana
  61. Shavasana
  62. Sinhasana
  63. Ugrasana
  64. Vinyasa flow
  65. Setubandhasana
  66. Pashchimottanasan
  67. Ekpada greevasan
  68. Marjariasana (Cat Posture)
  69. Kohni Chakrasan (Elbow Rotations)
  70. Ardha Salbhaasana
  71. Ardha Naukasana (Half Boat Posture)
  72. Bal-Shayanasana (Infant’s Posture)
  73. Makarasana
  74. Swastikasana
  75. Januhastasana
  76. Ekpadhastasana
  77. Dwipadhastasana
  78. Garunasan
  79. Titli aasan (Butterfly Posture)
  80. Prasarita Padottanasana
  81. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
  82. Shashkasan
  83. Pashuviramasan 
  84. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

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